Temperature Salon
Wed Feb 19th 2025
Lixwm Weather Station
Weather Alert
Temperature °C

Lixwm Forecast

Fri 2nd
9°  4°  

17.5 mph
Sat 3rd
10°  3°  

14.8 mph
Sun 4th
11°  4°  

22.8 mph
Mon 5th
11°  4°  

1.6 mph
Tue 6th
10°  5°  

9.8 mph
Wed 7th
7°  3°  

27.9 mph
Thu 8th
8°  2°  

2.5 mph
Current Conditions
Wind Speed | Direction
Collecting Wind Speed
Moon Phase
Rainfall Today
UV | Solar Data
Collecting UV/Solar Data
Wed 19th Daylight - Night

I'd always wanted my personal weather station. And I've always wanted to get my data from the station and publish onto the internet. But all of this was out of my price range. This lasted for couple of years and finally in 2015 my financial state improved and I decided to go for it. And now finally I bought my dreamed device. Today I welcome you to my Lixwm weather station website.

About the staion

This station is operational since 2015 and collects the weather data using Vantage Vue Weather Station connected to WeatherLink data logger. The data is processed by WeatherDsiplay Software and it is updated every 5 second and published on this site every 5 minutes. The data is also streamed to UK Weather Net and Weather Underground. The sensors available on this device are - wind direction, wind speed, temperature, precipitation, and air pressure. My goal is to install additional sensors for solar radiation and UV index.

About the city

Lixwm is a rural village within the parish of Ysceifiog in the foot hills and rich farming land of North Wales.

You can find it in a walking distance of the Clwydian Range and Offas Dyke. The area has Outstanding Natural Beauty and it is very good for walking and mountain biking.

The village has a well-regarded Primary School, Chapel and the Crown Inn which is very popular for dining and is one of a number of Inns that take part in the Flintshire Real Ale Trail twice a year, which is a bus based beer adventure over the local area.

The nearest main towns are Holywell and Mold the nearest Holywell being only four miles away.

The area boasts excellent walking, cycling and horse riding especially with the Offas Dyke and Clwydian Way paths not too far away and numerous signed footpaths. Halkyn Mountain is close by with horse riding stables nearby.

Creative Commons License
Location : 53.232886 -3.246776 ASL : 160ft or 50m
Data Source: clientraw Hardware: Davis Vantage Vue
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