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green home


It doesn’t matter if you live in warm region or you are preparing yourself for the winter heating season -humidity plays a vital role on quality of...

wool eco friendly low voc carpet

Contents Introduction Low VOC Rugs Sisal rugs Wool Rugs Cotton rugsr Jute rugs Low VOC Carpets Wool carpets Smartstrand carpets BCF Nylon carpets Buyer's guide Carpet installation Environmental choices FAQ There are many industrial materials involved in production...

eco flooring solutions

The floor occupies one of the largest areas in your home. It must be beautiful, shockproof, soundproof, durable and have low VOC footprint. The criteria...

ran barrel diverters models 2018

Contents Models comparison table Models Overview Fiskars Rain Barrel DiverterPro Rain Barrel Kit EarthMinded DIY Inline Downspout Diverter Rainreserve Oatey Rainwater Collection System Metal Diverter with Arm Diverter for Round Downspouts Buyer’s Guide Install Guide A good...

stormwater runoff

Sustainable societies are those that embrace infrastructure and lifestyles. That means - meet the current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to...

a green house and a river nex to it

Buildings are gluttons of energy and resources. According to Roodman and Lenssens, buildings account for one sixth of the world's fresh water consumption, one...

solar hot water and heating systems

To ensure that your solar energy system is sized and configured for maximum efficiency, you need to calculate your hot water and space heating...

Air Quality Monitors

Improving health, awareness, and work efficiency - all can be achieved by changing a single component of your surrounding environment - the indoor air quality. Using...


Contents Introduction The home we live the air we breath Interior air pollution Sources of formaldehyde How to reduce exposure Protection In recent years I have established an understanding of many...